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504 Plans

Definition: A plan that is developed to support a student with an eligible disability and provides accommodations in the general education setting.

504 vs. IEP


504 Plan

What it does

Provides individualized special education services

Provides specific accommodations in a general ed setting

What law applies


Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act

Who is eligible

Student must meet one or more of the 13 eligible disability areas and significantly impact their ability to learn in the general education setting

Student must have any identified or suspected disability that significantly impacts a major life activity

Who creates it

Special education evaluation team including administrators, teachers, social workers, parents, school psychologists

504 building coordinator with support from a team including parents, administrators, teachers

What is in it

Specific goals, services being provided, accommodations, modifications and standardized testing accommodations

Specific accommodations and standardized testing accommodations if needed

Consent required

Consent is required to evaluate a student and begin to provide services.

Consent is required to evaluate a student and begin to provide services.

How often is is reviewed

IEP’s are updated every year and eligibility is evaluated every 3 years

504’s are updated every year and eligibility is evaluated every 3 years

How to Request a 504

Please contact the building 504 coordinator listed on this page with questions about 504 eligibility or to request a 504 Plan evaluation.

504 Plans are reviewed annually with input from teachers, parents/guardians and other stakeholders. Reviews may be requested earlier if the parent/guardian desires. Please contact the building 504 coordinator with any questions or concerns about your student’s 504

Building 504 Coordinator:

Ms. Lin


504 Procedural Safeguards outlines the student and parent guardian rights under section 504